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E-nieuws van Conrad Johnson |
LP125M Special Edition
The LP125M has been well received as an exceptional value among tube power amplifiers, offering extraordinary musical performance combined with sufficient muscle to drive a wide range of loudspeakers. We find that some customers are looking for even greater refinement, wanting an amplifier that approaches state of the art performance. We are pleased to be able to offer to these customers the new LP125M Special Edition (SE). The SE features the same circuitry (inspired by the flagship ART amplifier) but executed with CJD Teflon coupling capacitors and critical power supply “bypass” capacitors, and using Vishay metal foil resistors in critical circuit applications. These exceptional amplifiers are available for immediate delivery. We feel that the upgrade offers a substantial performance enhancement for a relatively moderate cost.

LP125M Special Edition Available for Immediate Delivery |
LP66S Series 2 Now Available
Announced in our previous newsletter, we are now delivering the new LP66S Series 2 with the updated voltage gain stage modeled after that used in the flagship ART amplifier. The Original LP66S is sold out.
The TEA2SE offers a significant step beyond the base TEA2, but we couldn’t resist the temptation to take the TEA2 to the Max, an offering to ourselves and others seeking the ultimate in phono stage performance. The TEA2 MAX employs pure Teflon inter-stage and output coupling capacitors, along with large Teflon “bypass” capacitors on the audio circuit power supply. All audio circuit resistors and critical power supply resistors are upgraded to VISHAY and Caddock resistors. The result is a treat for the confirmed phono-phile. TEA2 MAX will be available for delivery before the end of May.
Great Press Coverage
In an excellent review in the latest issue of Tone Audio (No. 36, April 2011) Jeff Dorgay extols the virtues of the Special Edition ET3SE. Dorgay notes the wide and deep soundstage presentation and observes that the unit “makes your music collection come alive”. He goes on to note the “amazing” performance of the phono stage. Jeff bestows an “Exceptional Value Award” on the ET3SE, concluding “I defy anyone to find a more musical combination of preamplifier and phono stage at this price.”The May/June issue of TheAbsolute Sound features writers’ nominations for the Ten Most Significant Amplifiers of all Time. We were honored to find our original flagship product, the Premier One included in HP’s list. HP notes the Premier One’s “authority” and exceptionally correct mid-bass performance. The Premier One also made Peter Brueninger’s List while other Premier models garnered mention by Robert Greene and Jonathan Valin.In the previous issue of TAS(April) Jonathan Valin credits the GAT preamp and ART power amp in combination with Scanea speakers with producing the best sound at the 2011CES. Valin marveled at the way in which the system produced an uncannily real reproduction of two voices, noting “The speakers just weren’t there. Neither, for that matter, were the electronics.” Dare we add that it “just sounds right”? In the March issue of TAS, HP comments briefly on the TEA1/GAT/ART combination, noting the very special way in which “these jewels seem to clairify timing relationships” in recorded music.
New Price List
A copy of our current price list accompanies this newsletter. The only change is the inclusion of the LP66S Series 2 and the new LP125M SE and the TEA2 MAX.

And the Editors’ Choice Award goes to…. |
Category Power Amplifiers

Conrad-Johnson LP66S
Have your sights set on a romantic tube stereo power amplifier? This 60Wpc design is it! Tonal emphasis is squarely on the lower midrange. Timbres and textures are slightly liquid and warm—highly complimentary to violin. The treble range is laid-back. Count on a mellow, relaxed presentation with an exceptionally low listenerfatigue factor and plenty of imaging magic. Reviewed by DO, Issue 193
Category Preamplifiers

Conrad-Johnson ET3
Despite its entry-level status, the ET-2 is a low-distortion, high-resolution line preamplifier that delivers timbral accuracy and phenomenal bass control. The overall presentation is clean, smooth, slightly laidback, yet highly detailed, with an emphasis on harmonic accuracy. It can certainly hold its own in elitist company. The optional phonostage can also be confidently recommended. Reviewed by DO, Issue 193
Welcome to the 2011 edition of The Absolute Sound’s Editors’ Choice Awards, our annual Recommended Products list. On the following pages we present the gear that our editors and writers have selected as most worthy of your consideration. These are the components we ourselves would buy—or recommend to friends and family. Each product category is divided into price ranges, with components listed in order of ascending cost (though a few items, like cables and accessories, are listed alphabetically for clarity’s sake). Each recommendation is also accompanied by a capsule review, the original reviewer’s name or initials, and the issue the review appeared in. Note that in a few cases a product may have been reviewed in one of our sister publications, Playback or AVguide.com, or the review may be pending publication, or the product may not have been formally reviewed but earns a recommendation based on one or more writer’s extensive experience with it.
Given that this is the high end, where components generally have long lifespans, some of our recommendations look back several years. At the same time, in an effort to be as selective and up-to-date as possible, we have dropped some components that appeared on last year’s list, usually because they have been discontinued but sometimes because fresh competition has caused us to reconsider the choice.
TAS founder Harry Pearson’s selections can be found in this issue’s HP’s Workshop.

E-nieuws van Conrad Johnson |
TEA1 Discontinued
The ET3, our new entry-level preamplifier, can be expected to set new standards of performance in its market segment. It is distinctly a “baby” GAT. The family resemblance is much more than skin deep. The line-stage circuit of the ET3 is essentially the same as that of the GAT (a 6922 triode supplies voltage gain, with a MOSFET follower providing an ultra-low output impedance). DC regulators patterned after those used in the GAT provide stable DC voltage to the audio circuits. Finally, and especially noteworthy, the ET3 features a relay operated discrete level-control circuit which is virtually the same as that found in the more expensive GAT and CT5 line stages, absent only the balance adjustment function.
More on the ET3
The production process has begun on the ET3 preamplifiers, with initial shipments anticipated to begin in a few weeks. In our previous newsletter we indicated that we expected the ET3 to be “our hottest new product in years.” It certainly is on track to be one of our most successful new product launches. The first production run is already more than half sold, forcing us to begin plans for the next production run even before deliveries begin. At this time, it looks like it will take two to three weeks after shipping begins to clear the existing back order, so new orders will probably be for delivery early in July.

Read about our summer promotion on the superb ET250S amplifier
Special Summer Promotion
We strongly believe in the merits of the enhanced triode power amplifier design approach, as embodied in the ET250S. The triode voltage gain input stage dominates the sound character of the amplifier, imparting the lucidity and harmonic “rightness” associated with tube amplifiers. By coupling this single -ended triode amplifier to loudspeakers through a high-current transistor buffer stage, we are able to achieve a high power rating (250 watts/channel) that could only be matched by numerous pairs of output tubes in an all-tube amplifier. Not only is the resulting amplifier more compact, more economical, and easier to own, but it actually offers distinct sonic advantages. The ET250S has a damping factor that is several times that of a tube amplifier, offering better control of difficult loudspeaker loads. Further, this is achieved without resorting to global negative feedback – resulting in greater temporal accuracy. The ET250S is worthy of consideration for any high performance audio system.

E-nieuws van Conrad Johnson |

ART Amplifier
Limited Edition ART Amplifier Now Available
The limited edition ART Amplifier is designed to be a reference amplifier for the use of industry professionals as well as dedicated audiophiles. Just 125 pairs of ART amplifiers will be produced.
The ART amplifier exemplifies the principle that the surest path to both state-of-the-art musicality and exceptional reliability is to keep the circuits simple and build them with the finest available parts. The audio circuit has just three elements: a voltage gain amplifier (a single triode), a cathode coupled phase inverter (each phase handled by one triode), and an output stage comprised of 6550 output tubes. Four pairs are used to comfortably and reliably achieve the 275-watt power rating.
Low impedance dc power supply regulators maintain a rock solid dc voltage supply for the voltage gain and phase inverter stages, thoroughly isolating these stages from the power demands of the output stage.
The ART amplifier maintains the exacting quality standards for which conrad-johnson is known. Resistors are precision lasertrimmed metal foil types. Coupling capacitors are the new Teflon CJD caps, while the power supplies use large polypropylene capacitors paralleled by CJD Teflons. Even the main power supply reservoir uses massive custom polypropylene capacitors. Proprietary wide-bandwidth output transformers contribute to excellent high frequency performance. Attention to every detail enables us to extract the full potential from the circuit designs and ensures performance to this potential for years to come. The ART amplifier is built without compromise to achieve a new standard in musical performance, and it is built to last.
We have just begun shipping these exciting new amplifiers, so there is still a back order situation. New orders placed now can likely be filled in three to four weeks.
New Entry Level Preamplifier In Development
We have had numerous requests for a preamplifier similar to the Classic but with remote control facilities. In response, we set to work on a new preamplifier designed to offer flexible I/O facilities, simple yet effective audio circuits capable of exceptional sonic performance, yet producible at moderate cost, and full remote control of all of the preamplifier’s functions. The result is the all-new ET3. The audio circuit is evolved from that of the GAT preamplifier. It consists of a single triode amplifier using one section of a 6922 vacuum tube for each channel. This voltage gain stage is direct coupled to a high-current output buffer for extremely low output impedance (around 100 Ohms). A sophisticated discrete regulated power supply virtually eliminates hum and minimizes the impact of ac mains voltage variations.
The ET3 is especially noteworthy as the first entry-level preamplifier to incorporate the extraordinary discrete level control found in our more costly models. A superb preamplifier. An added bonus, the ET3 is optionally available fitted with a phono stage card. But the good news doesn’t end here. We will also offer an upgraded SE version of the ET3 incorporating extensive use of Vishay resistors and Teflon “bypass” capacitors. With its improved audio circuit and dramatically upgraded volume control, the ET3SE will represent a significant sonic improvement over the ET2.
Production of the ET3 is expected to commence late in May with deliveries beginning early in June.
Classic and ET2 to be Discontinued
With so much to offer for such a modest increment to cost, the ET3 will be the preferred choice of nearly all customers, virtually eliminating demand for the Classic preamplifier, so no further production of that model is planned. Similarly, the ET3SE offers significantly improved performance over the ET2 and will replace it. The ET2 is sold out, and stock of the Classic is very limited, so check with us before committing to any sales on this model.
Review of TEA2 in HiFi+
Issue #70 of HiFi+ includes an excellent review of the TEA2 phono stage. Alan Sircom praises the musical integrity of the TEA2, as well as its ability to convey the sense of complex time signatures. He notes that the TEA2 reaches close to the performance of the reference level TEA1 at a fraction of the price, making it a hard to beat value.
Editorial Recommendations for Conrad-Johnson Products.
The March issue of The Absolute Sound features their annual Editor’s Choice Awards. The 2009 Product of the year ET2 is included, as is the LP66S power amplifier. Most importantly, the GAT line-stage preamplifier and TEA1 phono stage top the list of HP’s Editors’ Choice Awards.
Stereophile weighed in with their April Recommended Components issue. Among preamplifiers, the CT5 was rated Class A, while its “baby brother”, the Classic receives a highly respectable Class B rating. In amplifiers, the highly versatile ET250S received a Class A rating, with the LP66S earning a Class B rating.

Category Power Amplifiers

Conrad-Johnson LP66S
Have your sights set on a romantic tube stereo power amplifier? This 60Wpc design is it! Tonal emphasis is squarely on the lower midrange. Timbres and textures are slightly liquid and warm—highly complimentary to violin. The treble range is laid-back. Count on a mellow, relaxed presentation with an exceptionally low listenerfatigue factor and plenty of imaging magic. DO, 193
Category Preamplifiers

Conrad-Johnson ET2
Despite its entry-level status, the ET2 is a low-distortion, high-resolution line preamplifier that delivers timbral accuracy and phenomenal bass control. The overall presentation is clean, smooth, slightly laidback, yet highly detailed, with an emphasis on harmonic accuracy. It can certainly hold its own in elitist company. The optional phonostage can also be confidently recommended. DO, 193

Limited Edition All-Tube Power Amplifier introduced at CES2010
We are excited to announce our new flagship amplifier, the ART Amplifier, introduced at the 2010 CES – shown here in a snapshot taken at the show. A natural companion to the ART and GAT preamplifiers, only 125 pairs of the ART Amplifier will be made.
Limited Edition ART Amplifier – the ART Amplifier, an all-tube mono-block, is designed to raise the bar for amplifier performance. The ART uses four pairs of 6550 output tubes, conservatively operated to produce 275 watts into the rated load (typically connected for a 4 Ohm load, but 8, and 16 Ohm connections are optionally available). Careful trimming of the circuits, and the employment of only the finest available parts (Teflon capacitors, Vishay resistors, Transpectral output transformers) lead to the ART’s stunning performance. The ART Amplifier will be offered in a limited edition of only 125 pairs.

The ART Amplifier
Special Edition of TEA2 Now Available
We are now offering an upgraded TEA2, the TEA2SE. The Special Edition features widespread use of Teflon capacitors and Vishay and Caddock resistors. We expect to have upgraded units available for delivery by early February.
TEA1b and TEA1bt Models Discontinued
The TEA2SE is expected to make the TEA1b redundant, so, effective immediately, TEA1s will only be offered with the full Teflon capacitor complement (only TEA1 and TEA1bc will be available).
Review of TEA2 in HiFi+
Issue #70 of HiFi+ includes an excellent review of the TEA2 phono stage. Alan Sircom praises the musical integrity of the TEA2, as well as its ability to convey the sense of complex time signatures. He notes that the TEA2 reaches close to the performance of the reference level TEA1 at a fraction of the price, making it a hard to beat value.
We are pleased to also announce the introduction of the LP125M, our new 125 watt mono tube amplifier. Similar in size, style, and circuit to the popular LP66S, the LP125M offers twice the power of that model in a mono-block configuration. Like the LP66S, the LP125M features polypropylene capacitors, metal film resistors, and conradjohnson’s proprietary Transspectral output transformers for a build quality and sonic performance unmatched by our competitors. The LP125M is available for immediate delivery.
An upgraded version of the TEA2 offers a bridge between our entry-level phono stage and our reference TEA1. The TEA2SE is upgraded by the liberal use of Teflon capacitors and Vishay and Caddock resistors. Like the standard version, the SE comes in High Gain and Low Gain configurations. Available for immediate delivery.
Conrad-Johnson’s R&D efforts are concentrated on developing audio components that offer increasingly exact re-creation of live musical performances to enhance the enjoyment of music

A pair of LP125M amplifiers
Available Soon: New LP125M Mono-block Tube Amplifiers
Conrad-Johnson is pleased toannounce the introduction of the LP125M, our new 125 watt tubemono amplifier. Similar in size,style, and circuit to the popularLP66S, the LP125M offers twicethe power of that model in amonoblock configuration. Like the LP66S, the LP125M features polypropylene capacitors, metalfilm resistors, and conradjohnson’s proprietary transspectral output transformers for a build quality and sonic performance unmatched by our competitors. Units are expected to be available for delivery by mid-November. We expect this to be our most popular mono-block amplifier, so get your orders in early to avoid a likely back-order.
LP70S, and LP140M Amplifiers to be Discontinued
With the success of the LP66S and the prospect of similar demand for the LP125M, we have decided to discontinue the higher-end LP70S and LP140M models when existing stocks are gone. Very few of each of these models remain, so check availability before committing to a sale.
High Praise for GAT Following the highly positive review by Alan Sircom, the GAT has been awarded a Product of the Year Award by hifi+magazine. We anticipate further positive press on this flagship product in the coming months. Meanwhile, word is beginning to circulate among reviewers,industry professionals, and consumers identifying the GAT isa worthy successor to the ARTS3 and another industry reference.
First Review of the TEA2 Phono Preamplifier For a review of the TEA2 phonostage, check out October’s EnjoytheMusic.com. Tom Lyle notes the TEA2’s ability to communicate the meaning of th emusic, and proclaims it to be a “relative bargain”. |

Category Linestages

Conrad-Johnson ART III
The Anniversary Reference Triode design was a limited edition
product from the company. It has been, I am informed to my sorrow (for all of you who may not get to hear its tubed wonders), discontinued. I would say it is well worth searching
out on today’s lively used-gear market. Not only is it solid in construction, but in the time it has been here, it has worked flawlessly, and about how many tubed products can you say that? [See Review, Issue 173.]
Owners of the first two generations of the ART may have factory upgrades to the III level.
Category Power Amplifiers

Conrad-Johnson ART III
Have your sights set on a romantic tube stereo power amplifier? This 60Wpc design is it! Tonal emphasis is squarely on the lower midrange. Timbres and textures are slightly liquid and warm—highly complimentary to violin. The treble range is laid-back. Count on a mellow, relaxed presentation with an exceptionally low listenerfatigue factor and plenty of imaging magic. Reviewed by DO, Issue 193
Category Preamplifiers

Conrad-Johnson ET2
Despite its entry-level status, the ET-2 is a low-distortion, high-resolution line preamplifier that delivers timbral accuracy and phenomenal bass control. The overall presentation is clean, smooth, slightly laidback, yet highly detailed, with an emphasis on harmonic accuracy. It can certainly hold its own in elitist company. The optional phonostage can also be confidently recommended. Reviewed by DO, Issue 193
