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And the Editors’ Choice Award goes to…. |
Category Digital Processors

Copland DRC 205 Room
Compensation Device
This relatively inexpensive device can revolutionize your system. It offers automatic and rapid setup without a computer, but can be further adjusted to listener preference using a PC (software included). Compatible with all sources via analog input and output, it goes in your tapemonitor loop, where it corrects what is wrong with your room/ speaker combination. Pure sound, and true sonic accuracy at the touch of a button. REG, 173
Welcome to the 2011 edition of The Absolute Sound’s Editors’ Choice Awards, our annual Recommended Products list. On the following pages we present the gear that our editors and writers have selected as most worthy of your consideration. These are the components we ourselves would buy—or recommend to friends and family. Each product category is divided into price ranges, with components listed in order of ascending cost (though a few items, like cables and accessories, are listed alphabetically for clarity’s sake). Each recommendation is also accompanied by a capsule review, the original reviewer’s name or initials, and the issue the review appeared in. Note that in a few cases a product may have been reviewed in one of our sister publications, Playback or AVguide.com, or the review may be pending publication, or the product may not have been formally reviewed but earns a recommendation based on one or more writer’s extensive experience with it.
Given that this is the high end, where components generally have long lifespans, some of our recommendations look back several years. At the same time, in an effort to be as selective and up-to-date as possible, we have dropped some components that appeared on last year’s list, usually because they have been discontinued but sometimes because fresh competition has caused us to reconsider the choice.
TAS founder Harry Pearson’s selections can be found in this issue’s HP’s Workshop.

Category DSP Room Correction

Copland DRC 205 Room
Compensation Device
This relatively inexpensive device can revolutionize your system. It offers automatic and rapid setup without a computer, but can be further adjusted to listener preference using a PC (software included). Compatible with all sources via analog input and output, it goes in your tapemonitor loop, where it corrects what is wrong with your room/ speaker combination. Pure sound, and true sonic accuracy at the touch of a button. REG, 173

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Category Digital Processors

Copland DRC 205 Room
Compensation Device
This relatively inexpensive device can revolutionize your system. It offers automatic and rapid setup without a computer, but can be further adjusted to listener preference using a PC (software included). Compatible with all sources via analog input and output, it goes in your tape-monitor loop, where it corrects what is wrong with your room/ speaker combination. Pure sound, and true sonic accuracy at the touch of a button Reviewed by REG, Issue 173

Copland CD-speler
Hierbij een eerste plaatje van de nieuwe Copland cd-speler. Zoals te zien op de foto betreft het een bovenlader.
Meer is er nog niet bekend. Het apparaat zal september 2009 leverbaar zijn en de richtprijs is Euro 4000,-.
