Hier vindt U periodiek specifiek Krell nieuws. Het kan overigens voorkomen dat dit nieuws niet vertaald is! |

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Krell Evolution 525a: een ongelooflijk cd-speler! |
“A superb CD player, which just makes you go on listening”
reviewed by Steve Harris – hi-fi News (UK) – januari 2011

And the Editors’ Choice Award goes to…. |
Category Power Amplifiers

Krell S-150
Krell’s compact, narrow-profile, cool-running 150W monoblock is basically a scaled-down version of the Evolution Series amp with a tight, musically convincing bass and superb treble openness that place it on a par with Krell’s best. Further, it displays a dynamic liveliness and dexterity that verges on the uncanny. In the midrange, it was as grainless as any amp in SS’s experience. Perhaps faltering just a bit in terms of three-dimensionality and harmonic juiciness, for most applications it gives up little to the Big Boys. Reviewed by SS, Issue 205
Category Power Amplifiers

Krell Evolution One monoblock
While the Evolution One is not a radical sonic breakthrough, the best aspects of the original Krell sound-character and “voicing” have been preserved, but the original virtues of deep-bass power and rich natural timbre have been steadily enhanced, while air, life, microdynamics, soundstage depth and detail, and the upper octaves have improved to contenders for the state-ofthe-art. A true sonic benchmark you really need to listen to. Reviewed by AHC, Issue 158
Category Preamplifiers

Krell Evolution Two
The Krell Evolution series puts the third dimension back in music by providing exceptional depth. It also provides exceptional reproduction of hall sounds and musical mechanics—bowing sounds, score rustling, etc. This effect is enhanced by the imagingqualities of the Evolution Two. When the imaging on a recording is natural and detailed, the Evolution preserves the size, the place, the stability, and the layers of imaging. The result is a more open soundstage, better reproduction of life and air, and a greater ability to lose yourself in the music. Reviewed by AHC, Issue 158
Welcome to the 2011 edition of The Absolute Sound’s Editors’ Choice Awards, our annual Recommended Products list. On the following pages we present the gear that our editors and writers have selected as most worthy of your consideration. These are the components we ourselves would buy—or recommend to friends and family. Each product category is divided into price ranges, with components listed in order of ascending cost (though a few items, like cables and accessories, are listed alphabetically for clarity’s sake). Each recommendation is also accompanied by a capsule review, the original reviewer’s name or initials, and the issue the review appeared in. Note that in a few cases a product may have been reviewed in one of our sister publications, Playback or AVguide.com, or the review may be pending publication, or the product may not have been formally reviewed but earns a recommendation based on one or more writer’s extensive experience with it.
Given that this is the high end, where components generally have long lifespans, some of our recommendations look back several years. At the same time, in an effort to be as selective and up-to-date as possible, we have dropped some components that appeared on last year’s list, usually because they have been discontinued but sometimes because fresh competition has caused us to reconsider the choice.
TAS founder Harry Pearson’s selections can be found in this issue’s HP’s Workshop.

Ontdek de Krell Automatic Room Equalization System (ARES) |

We are excited to announce the release of the Krell Automatic Room Equalization System (ARES) for the Evolution 707 surround preamp/processor. Developed entirely in house by the Krell Engineering team, the new firmware optimizes the performance of the Evolution 707 in any listening environment.For true high performance, a generic off the shelf solution is never an option. We designed and built the Evolution 707 processor’s hardware and software to perform at the highest level and now with ARES, we have developed a specific tool to realize the Evolution 707 processor’s full potential in any listening environment.
The ARES upgrade is free of charge to the hundreds of existing Evolution 707 owners and will be included in new units shipping from the Krell factory. All Evolution 707 processors have shipped with an ultra-linear condenser microphone for use with the anticipated ARES firmware. .The ARES firmware files are field installable via computer and can be downloaded along with the loader program.
ARES Highlights
Simple but not simplistic, ARES does not require a computer but uses on screen prompts to guide the user through the automatic setup and equalization process. ARES analyzes the speakers’ capability, position, phase and distance relationships to determine ideal crossover points, delay, and volume settings. Listening room surfaces, speaker positioning and construction play a pivotal role in the overall sound quality of a system. ARES measures these effects against the inherent performance of the system’s speakers and corrects for irregular surfaces, problematic speaker locations, and unusual floor plans. A 32 bit dual core DSP running at 1.8 giga operations per second computes equalizer filter coefficients and applies individual curves to each of the 8.4 output channels. A trio of user system memories provides greater flexibility and personalization than other systems on the market. Instead of an averaged result from various listening positions, three individual listening positions may be measured and optimized rather than compromised by an averaging-style system. Alternatively, system memories may be used for different speaker configurations so that one memory can be optimized for two channel listening with full range front speakers, a second memory for movie playback with a crossover and subwoofers engaged, and a third for casual, full range, all-speaker music listening. After each system memory corrects for room anomalies, an optional music or movie curve can be added to the corrected response for an enhanced listening experience. The ARES operational range can also be limited to low frequency correction where a majority of sonic irregularities occur. Settings for operation below 63 Hz, 80 Hz, 125 Hz, and 250Hz provide correction in the most troublesome low frequency range while leaving, unaltered, the upper frequency range that helps define a individual speaker’s sonic characteristics. We design and build the Evolution 707 processor’s hardware and software to operate at the highest level and now with ARES, we have developed a specific tool to help guarantee that performance is realized in our customers’ homes. |

The Hottest New Gear from CES |
Krell launched a new flagship Blu-ray player. The Evolution 555 ($15,000) featured ESS Technology 32-bit Sabre Reference DACs connected to Krell’s own differential Evolution CAST analog circuitry. The Evolution 555 comes standard with Ethernet capabilities; a 02.11b/g/n wireless card can be added for wireless transmission. Dual HDMI outputs and a front-panel SD-card slot allow for added flexibility, as does the card-based interior topology. Currently configured for HDMI 1.3, the Evolution 555 will be easily upgradeable to HDMI 1.4 with a simple card swap. |
Krell showed updated “E” versions of its Evolution Series amplifiers. The new models are part of Krell’s “green” initiative to reduce power consumption. Not only are they more efficient, reputedly they also sound better. The new version features a more elaborate power supply, including a separate transformer to feed the digital-control circuitry. The amp also benefits from substantially greater capacity in the powersupply reservoir. The output stage uses matched quartets of output transistors rather than the usual complementary pairs, with the transistors sharing the current load. In Standby mode, the new model consumes just 2W of power compared with 370W for the previous version. Warm-up time is a little longer, but users can easily switch between two Standby modes for faster warm-up. |

Category Power Amplifiers

Krell Evolution One monoblock
While the Evolution One is not a radical sonic breakthrough, the best aspects of the original Krell sound-character and “voicing” have been preserved, but the original virtues of deep-bass power and rich natural timbre have been steadily enhanced, while air, life, microdynamics, soundstage depth and detail, and the upper octaves have improved to contenders for the state-of-the-art. A true sonic benchmark you really need to listen to. AHC, 158
Category Preamplifiers

Krell Evolution Two
The Krell Evolution series puts the third dimension back in music by providing exceptional depth. It also provides exceptional reproduction of hall sounds and musical mechanics—bowing sounds, score rustling, etc. This effect is enhanced by the imaging qualities of the Evolution Two. When the imaging on a recording is natural and detailed, the Evolution preserves the size, the place, the stability, and the layers of imaging. The result is a more open soundstage, better reproduction of life and air, and a greater ability to lose yourself in the music. AHC, 158

"…Kort maar krachtig: een heerlijk, eerlijk beest. Precies datgene wat ik van een Krell versterker durf te verwachten…"

Lees meer over Rene van Es ervaring met Krell.

Heaven or Krell? De titel geeft het al aan … iets "hemels" …
Abonneren naar Hi-Fi+, klik hier www.hifiplus.com

Category Power Amplifiers

Krell Evolution One monoblock
While the Evolution One is not a radical sonic breakthrough, the best aspects of the original Krell sound-character and “voicing” have been preserved, but the original virtues of deep-bass power and rich natural timbre have been steadily enhanced, while air, life, microdynamics, soundstage depth and detail, and the upper octaves have improved to contenders for the state-ofthe-art. A true sonic benchmark you really need to listen to. Reviewed by AHC, Issue 158
Category Preamplifiers

Krell Evolution Two
The Krell Evolution series puts the third dimension back in music by providing exceptional depth. It also provides exceptional reproduction of hall sounds and musical mechanics—bowing sounds, score rustling, etc. This effect is enhanced by the imagingqualities of the Evolution Two. When the imaging on a recording is natural and detailed, the Evolution preserves the size, the place, the stability, and the layers of imaging. The result is a more open soundstage, better reproduction of life and air, and a greater ability to lose yourself in the music. Reviewed by AHC, Issue 158

Hi-Fi News geeft de “Outstanding Product” Award aan Krell voor de S-300i en Ken Kessler schrijft een fantastische test over Krell's nieuwste.

Sinds kort is in Durob Audio de nieuwste telg van de legendarische Krell geïntegreerde versterkers, de S300I, te bewonderen. Deze nieuwe en natuurlijk zeer hoogwaardige versterker is afgeleid van de dure EVO series, wat aan het uiterlijk en gewicht direct te merken is. Klankmatig een juweel!

Ken Kessler (Hi-fi News): 'the S300I is so good that it will cause problems for Krell, not just its rivals, because it behaves like a 5000 pounds pre-power combi. The distributor won't thank me for saying that, but this is an inexplicable, insane give away.'

Zoals beloofd wat luisterervaringen met de Evolutionset van Krell.
Wie nog steeds denkt dat Krell staat voor een erg analytische weergave zal door de Evolution-set aangenaam verrast worden. Het geluid is namelijk heel vloeiend en soepel zoals de allerbeste buizenversterkers. Tegelijkertijd is er zeer veel detail, autoriteit en natuurlijk ook gemak (heel veel wattjes). De bediening is ondanks de scheiding van linker- en rechterkanalen zeer doordacht en eenvoudig. Bijzonder fraai is de combinatie met Sonus Fabers Stradivari en de topmodellen van Martin Logan. Samengevat: deze versterkerset is werkelijk boven alle kritiek verheven.
