Hier vindt U periodiek specifiek Micromega nieuws. Het kan overigens voorkomen dat dit nieuws niet vertaald is! |

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Op www.durob.nl kunt u nog steeds via de Nieuwsarchief het eerdere nieuws lezen, en natuurlijk alle relevante informatie vinden over de producten, reviews, ondersteuning en het dealernetwerk. Zowel de website als de blog zullen regelmatig worden geactualiseerd in het Nederlands en het Frans.
Bezoek www.durobblog.com als U in contact wilt blijven met onze activiteiten, abonneer U (U ontvangt automatisch een e-mail wanneer een nieuw artikel wordt gepubliceerd), neem deel aan de blog en laat commentaar achter. U kunt bij elk bericht gemakkelijk commentaar geven, zonder dat U bent ingeschreven. Simpelweg het reactieformulier invullen dat onder elk artikel staat is voldoende. Uw e-mailadres verschijnt niet op de blog). Wij willen graag horen over uw ervaringen, uw ideeën en ons Durob team en onze dealers zullen met plezier reageren op uw commentaar.

Een video reportage in Las Vegas over Micromega Airstream, kijk hier (Franstalig)

MicroMega bericht dat de WM10 die soms simpel en soms met heel wat Plug & Pray werk muziekbestanden wireless vanaf de computer afspeelt, nu door een free release van Apple iOS 4.2. dat ook direct - zonder tussenkomst van de computer - kan vanaf de Apple iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch.
This free OS upgrade includes, among various new features, "Airplay", that allows now to stream music files now DIRECTLY from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, wirelessly in wi-fi, to our AirStream WM-10 without the use of a computer !

Micromega smelled the new trend for music listening since a long time, and we are proud to say that WM-10 AirStream is the ONLY available Hifi device in the world today able to use this technology before the competition reacts.
How does it works? It is just enough to upgrade your OS software to the version 4.2,
and you'll see appear in your iTunes window the Airplay icon :

that will allow you to chose to stream music wirelessly to one (or many) WM-10, or future AS-400 AirStream locations.
Ook de MicroMega WM10 is uit voorraad leverbaar.
Bij installatie-problemen zijn we graag bereid mee te denken en mee te handelen zodat U het wireless network gelijktijdig kunt blijven gebruiken voor zowel uw computer als uw muziek.

European Systems Integration in the Home geeft aandacht aan Micromega AirStream
Klik hier

Adrienne Maxwell schrijft een test over de WM-10 AirStream in Home Theater Review.com (USA)
click to visit website

Jeff Dorgay over de AirStream WM-10
click to visit website

De AirStream WM-10 krijgt het “Best Recommended” label by Audio Art magazine (Taiwan)

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Test Micromega PW-250 power amplifier – Hi-Fi World

“Emotionally articulate, softly spoken and sensual... A fine performer.”

Test van de Micromega CD-30 CD speler en IA-180 geïntegreerd versterker Ken Kessler, Hi-Fi News
“The CD-30 reminds the listener of what made Micromega a contender in the first place, by minimising digital artefacts and delivering a silky, solid, of-a-whole sound that belies its price... The units combine so well that they reaffirm Micromega’s return to form as no fluke.”

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HIFI + (UK) (n°71) – Malcolm Steward over de CD10, CD20 & CD30 |

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Alvin Gold over de IA 100 and CD 20 combo in Hifi Choice (Mei 2010) |

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"Best Innovation Product" |
AirStream WM-10 is gekozen als "Best Innovation Product" tijdens de Montreal Show 2010 (Salon du Son et de l'image) bij Magazine Audio (Mark Philip)
Click here to visit website

NXT magazine over de AirStream van Micromega

The Hottest New Gear from CES |
Micromega has been absent from the U.S. market for several years. It’s resurfaced with a complete line of players, amplifiers, and even a turntable, but its most exciting introduction was the WM-10 airstream media player ($1595). Via iTunes’ remoteplayer wireless-protocols, the Airstream uses Wi-Fi 802.11 to wirelessly stream anything in your iTunes library to any music system in your home with a maximum capability of 192kHz/24-bit. Setup is so quick and simple that even naive users with no networkadministration experience can be up and running in a few minutes.

BBC Music – the world’s best-selling classical music magazine – recommends the Micromega IA-180 as its favourite ‘mid-range’ integrated amplifier in a special ‘Buyer’s Guide’ feature. Please see the attached scan* from the February 2010 edition of BBC Music –, on sale now.
BBC Music – is the world’s best selling classical music magazine, with an ABC-audited circulation of 47,141, and a readership of well over 100,000. The magazine reviews over 120 new classical recordings every month, mixed with a wide range of fascinating features and a section dedicated to audio equipment reviews. Every issue comes with a free, covermounted CD, containing exclusive recordings of complete works.

Category Preamplifiers

Micromega PA-20
After a few hard luck years, France’s Micromega is back with a revitalized lineup to savor. Leading the charge is the PA-20 preamp. Sleek and well appointed, the PA-20 is especially good at letting the inherent properties of a system come to the fore without slipping in additives of its own. The PA registered as clean, balanced, and controlled—easily able to hold position on soloists and delineate complex choral groupings. Its personality is a cooler one, its midrange as solid and penetrating as a Klitschko jab. The treble is smooth but probably in need of just a little more bloom. If the PA-20 is any indication, Micromega’s future looks to be a bright one. NG, 200

Lees hier over de ervaringen van een analoog-liefhebber met de AirStream
Dear Herman, Alfred,
Thank you for the report and the translation... Its rather positive! ... and this is where the magic of the Airstream lies...It captivates the ear and attention (we have 14 requests of reviews from USA after the official presentation during the CES, so you'll have a kind of "primeure" in NL). No later than yesterday, I received a letter/comment from Gerhard, the sales manager of Heinz, that translates the overall feeling with words that take importance from an ultimate audiophile and analog lover he is! :
AIRSTREAM, what else?...
13:44 (Il y a 22 heures)
Répondre |G.Gallian à moi
Hi Alain!
Yesterday I’ve made the final test J - I exposed my wife to the AIRSTREAM’s sound. It would not have been the first time, that she kocked a new „discovery“ out of my system, because her heartstrings were not plugged. At least she was never too keen about „digital“ music. BUT (!!!) the AIRSTREAM passed the test with bells and whistles. We listened happily for hours…
Today in the morning, she told me, that with this unit she feels finally kind of „free“ during listening to a digital source.
That means: we have no desire to listen to a CD Player anymore in my system. Awsome!!!!
I also gave the unit to another friend over the weekend. He has a biiiiig analog setup, super phono stage and all. His wife is professional piano player and does not like CD at all. The poor guy is even not allowed to play CD, when she is at home.
To make a long story short: he made comparisons to her with some Horovitz/Rachmaninov LP vs. Airstream, and she PREFERRED the sound of the AIRSTREAM – if You would know her, You would understand how sensational THAT is J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think, we are really sliding into a new aera, and I’m happy to be part of it. Your dealer in Paris is absolutely right. It was bothersome to sell expensive CD Players, knowing, that always something is missing, which makes music so „loveable“.
My future system will consist of the best turntable I can afford (don’t want to miss the smell of the covers ;-)) and the sooooo nice AIRSTREAM with my lovely Mac.
Cheers!!!! + regards to Daniel, the „wild genious“

PA 20 voorversterker en PW 400 eindversterker

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“If you’re looking to spend up to £1,000 on a CD player,
this is a must for the audition shortlist”
Hi-Fi World, February 2010
« Als u rond 850 euros wilt besteden voor een cd-speler, moet u dit op uw luisterlijst zetten »

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Ken Kessler geeft naar de MM PA20 - PW400 voorversterker/versterker een Hi-Fi News Editor's Choice.

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Micromega CD-10 gekozen by Hi-Fi Choice als "Best Buy"

"An excellent proposition... fine tuned to please the audiophile
who wants the best at a relatively modest price”
Micromega CD-10 – Hi-Fi Choice, January 2010

(Deze product informatie wordt binnen een paar dagen geplaatst in het Nederlands)
AirStream WM-10 Source
During the last century, you needed a Phono preamplifier & turntable to listen to a vinyl record…
… In 2009, AirStream by Micromega offers a powerful paradigm shift allowing us to listen to music
stored in our computer!
AirStream WM-10 : For the first time in the world, MICROMEGA offers music lovers an opportunity
to use their computer as a music source, as legitimate as CD, Phono, or Tuner.
Until today, listening to sound files stored in your computer was a complex procedure, if you didn’t want to
compromise on quality. Historically, software programs were created for storing as much music as possible
in the smallest amount of space using compression techniques to minimize file size. This approach chose
content quantity at the sacrifice of quality. Compressed files lack musical fidelity appropriate for normal hifi
sound systems; as a result, many music lovers listen to their computer based music over poor quality
computer loudspeakers, whose quality can’t be considered as “High Fidelity”.
This situation is unacceptable to people who wish to listen to music as it was originally recorded. A
paradigm shift has to occur allowing us to use modern computer based music storage with the same or better
fidelity achieved via traditional forms of storage such as records or CD’s. Micromega has dedicated
significant time and research into this paradigm shift to define priorities that would offer simplicity,
dependability, and be within the budgetary reach of everyone. One of the first realizations was to consider
how people presently download and access their music collections – the answer was obvious. We have
chosen the most intuitive and the most commonly used music software program in the world: iTunes® by
Apple Computer.
Then, we designed a product with standard audio component dimensions leveraging our existing quality
casework, utilized our existing digital systems design expertise, defined an affordable cost target, and made
it easy to connect to the hi-fi system with a simple audio cable. We named it “AirStream” because it offers
wireless connectivity, which offers many quality advantages, but moreover allows the listener to easily
separate their computer from their stereo system.
Wi-Fi connection mode between multiple computers are generally designed for any kind of precision data
exchange. We have chosen the name WHiFI® in order to point out that AirStream is the first product
dedicated to transfer only sound between the computer source and the hifi system. WHiFI® uses the Wi-Fi
802.11x standard dedicated to music reproduction.
The end user will receive a simple and detailed step-by-step owners manual explaining how to download,
install, and configure the iTunes® program and link their computer with the AirStream.
AirStream delivers superior sound quality compared to what is obtained with a CD player.
Two technical reasons explain this improvement:
1) When listening to recorded music on a computer, we benefit by having ALL of the content of the
recording saved in the core of the computer’s memory; while, when the recording is read by a CD player,
substantial portions of the digital word stream can be missed due to machine vibration and laser read errors.
Sensing these read errors, the CD Player then substitutes artificially created digital number “Guesses” for
these drop-outs by what is technically called “Reed Solomon Error Correction”. RSEC artificially
reconstructs full 16-bit word lengths.
These “Interpreted Signal” are blended together with the more accurately read signals that occurred before
and after the reading errors allowing you to generally hear skip free music using your CD Player. In
contrast, computer based music makes exact bit for bit duplicates of the original music to the hard disk
eliminating those detrimental error correction steps that result in loss of fidelity. By the every nature of the
computer recording process, (Bit for bit transfers) higher fidelity results are obtained.
2) But, computers generate electrical line AC noise that can easily be picked up by Hi-Fi systems and
intermodulate with the musical signals we want to hear. This is not good. This background noise needs to be
filtered out for best results and highest musical purity. Using a Wi-Fi signal transfer method to transport our
music between the computer where the music is stored, and the hi-fi system where it is played, AC Line
noise is eliminated and we achieve the best of both worlds – signal purity, and storage / access convenience.
The sound purity stems from the WHiFi® mode…
A forward-looking and highly innovative product:
Apples iTunes ® program uses a maximum playback quality that is equal to the familiar CD, i.e. 16-bit/44,
1 kHz. When auditioning a CD track downloaded as a music file originally played from a CD Player and
saved to a computer and played back via iTunes, then read by the AirStream, an obvious improvement of
sound quality is evident.
Today, several music content sites sell downloads of music in higher definition (up to 24-bit/192kHz) than
CD standards. These files are stored in your music directory in high definition, (24-bit/192kHz) but can’t
yet be played back in this native high definition by iTunes ®. iTunes down-converts them to the familiar
16-bit/44.1 kHz standard. But that’s about to change!
Apple and iTunes are presently working aggressively on upgrades that will allow these high-definition files
to be read and played back in their native formats offering staggering improvements in fidelity. With
AirStream you will be able to benefit immediately as it is already configured for this imminent release.
AirStream: A tool to help reposition specialty hifi dealers…
The great importance of this product for audio professionals is that it returns the dealer to a role of cutting
edge technology advisor and shows his competence to the enthusiast / shopper.
Years ago it was the HiFi dealer who had the technical knowledge and demonstration skills needed to advise
clients about system adjustments, turntable set-up, pre-amplifiers and amplifier blending. This value added
expertise has been lost to the marketing bloat of components stuffed with needless features and
commoditization due to over production and an apparent “Who can sell it the cheapest” race to the bottom.
Fidelity has been lost, passions drained away, and the ability to make living made more difficult.
The commercial strength of the AirStream lies in its ability to convince the customer using a simple
A direct comparison between any average CD player and any computer connected to the AirStream is
powerfully eloquent and the undeniable difference very clearly audible.
The product speaks for itself; the listener is convinced by the sound. Reinforce that with an “All Made in
France by HD Micromega” and show the build quality and the after sales support and you’ve clearly
differentiated yourself from the competition.
As regards the technical aspects and information to the buyer, MICROMEGA will regularly inform you
and provide sales tips and answers to technical questions computer fans will no doubt ask. AirStream will
be heavily advertised and positive third party reviews will be secured.
With AirStream, MICROMEGA dealers will finally be able to sell a product that links computers and HiFi,
while respecting and elevating the integrity of the classical high fidelity system. Above all, it simply gives a
brand new story to tell...
This product represents the missing link between low margin computer "Mass Market" and our
more lucrative audiophile world.
The number of download sites is growing, advertising about high definition sound, and iTunes Store ® will
follow. Specialty dealers who will adopt this product will appear in the eyes of their customers as
technologically advanced while offering an easy to use and familiar software interface. AirStream unites
performance with simplicity for a unique experience and powerful sales tool.
Ultimate arguments of the MICROMEGA AirStream WM 10 product:
- WM-10 is manufactured in France and fully compatible and upgradable with iTunes ®.
- Its power supply and clock are commensurate with MICROMEGA experience of digital reproduction.
- WM-10 also allows the economy of buying a Tuner, as it gives access to thousands of radio channels via iTunes ®
- Finally, we especially set a very affordable retail price for the target customer!

AirStream WM-10: The digital source of the 21st century !
# How can I record my own CDs in my computer and play it with AirStream®?
- Assuming you’re an iTunes user, just load your CD into your computer, iTunes will ask you if you
would like to record the disc; answer yes and the computer will rip the CD onto the computer’s hard-drive.
Once the copy is loaded into iTunes the tracks will appear on a list. Just click on the desired track to play
it immediately.
# Any special procedure before ripping the CD?
- Yes, you have to go in the ‘Preferences” file of iTunes, then select in the ‘Import settings’: AIFF
Encoding, and NOT click the slot: ‘use the error correction’. You will benefit then of the best sound
quality, but take care to have enough memory space to be able to store a big number of records.
# Could I benefit by the gain in quality of the sites offering high definition downloads 24-
- Yes, even if today iTunes® doesn’t allow to play higher definition as a CD, i.e. 44,1kHz/16Bits, we
have noticed a great improvement of the sound reproduction.
Apple already announces an upgrade of iTunes® in a few months, allowing to benefit soon by this
new format.
# With all these technological evolutions, my AirStream may be soon out of fashion?
- No, because it will automatically benefit by all the upgrades supplied by Apple for its Airport®
product, and your AirStream will grow at the same rhythm as the brand with an apple…
# Will I be able to use my Iphone® or my Ipod Touch® as a remote control?
-Yes, it is enough to download the freeware 'Remote' from Apple website, and you can pilot your
AirStream and scroll your CD library from anywhere in your house!
# Can I send music from one laptop to several Hifi systems in the house?
- Yes, you just have to connect one AirStream to each of yours Hifi Systems. Easy…
Caractéristiques WHifi
Formats des fichiers audio ....................................................... AAC, AIFF, Apple Lossless, MP3, WMA, WAV
Bandes de fréquence ...........................................................................................................................2,4 ou 5 GHz
Norme ..........................................................................................................................................................802.11n
Portée en milieu ouvert .......................................................................................................................... 100m (min)
Caractéristiques Audio
Echantillonnage (inhérent au logiciel iTunes.......................................................................................................................................... 16Bits / 44.1 kHz
Bande Passante (± 0.5dB) ............................................................................................................... 10Hz – 20kHz
Linéarité à –90dB ....................................................................................................................................... < 0.5dB
Rapport signal/bruit + THD ............................................................................................................ < -92dB à1kHz
Dynamique ....................................................................................................................................... >96dB à 1kHz
Niveau de sortie .................................................................................................................................. 2Vrms / 0dB
Tension secteur ........................................................................................... (110-130V/60Hz) ou 220-240V/50Hz)
Consommation électrique (Max) ..................................................................................................................... 10 W
Dimensions : (L x P x H mm) ......................................................................................................... 430 x 250 x 70
Poids ............................................................................................................................................................. 4.0 kg
© 2008 Apple Inc. Tous droits réservés. Apple, le logo Apple, iTunes, sont des marques d’Apple Inc. déposées aux États-Unis et dans d’autres pays

Een echte audiofiele revolutie? Hoe kunt u in uw hele huis luisteren naar uw op computer opgeslagen muziek op cd-kwaliteit via uw w(h)ifi netwerk? Een uitleg tijdens de Paris Hifi show (franstalig).
Click to view

Micromega is back! Sam Tellig

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Een wereldwijde Première!
Tijdens de Parijs show (October 10-11) introduceert Micromega de nieuwe Airstream producten.

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Onze dealer Audiohuis in Delft kiest voor Micromega |
"Van het Franse elektronicamerk Micromega hebben wij de CD-10 cd-speler en IA-60 geïntegreerde versterker in ons programma opgenomen. Wij zijn er zeker van dat dit een welkome aanvulling is binnen ons assortiment verfijnde elektronica. In de loop van het jaar verwachten wij de lijn nog uit te breiden."

Nieuwe Airstream producten. |
Een kijk binnen Micromega in Frankrijk… en vele reacties over de nieuwe Airstream producten.

“Very different to what happened at the Apple conference, but just as important”
Richard Melville describes the unveiling of Micromega’s AirStream product in Paris on 9th September, 2009
Dear all,
Check out these excellent online blogs covering the recent Absolute Sounds/Micromega-sponsored trip to Paris, now live on What Hi-fi? Sound and Vision magazine’s highly popular and influential website.
There are are two separate blogs; one written by Andy Clough (What Hi-fi? Sound and Vision’s online editor), the other written by Richard Melville (editor of the What Hi-fi? Sound and Vision print edition). Please click on the links below:
Andy Clough’s blog
Richard Melville’s blog
Andy’s blog describes his experiences in Paris (including photos taken by yours truly) and his thoughts on Micromega’s return, whereas Richard’s blog focuses on the demonstration of Micromega’s forthcoming AirStream product.
The newly revamped What Hi-fi? Sound and Vision website boasts more than eight million page impressions and 700,000 unique users every month. It also now has over 30,000 online members. The magazine has been published for more than 30 years and is the UK’s leading home cinema and hi-fi magazine. The publication comprises over 50 unique product reviews a month as well as a Buyer's Guide with over 1500 test verdicts. Its global editions circulate the magazine's expert, independent advice to a worldwide audience of well over a million readers.

Het bekende Taiwanese Audio tijdschrijft Audio Art heeft 2 Awards gegeven aan de volgende Micromega producten: PA20 en PW400.

click to open
For those who are not fluent in chinese :o) , I think it is worth to pick up and translate some key sentences of this excellent review... The title in the final section, (it is also used as the main title of the review),means "hard to find out the same excellent performance in this price range".
In the section, the review concludes with :
1. excellent details reproduction
2. super analytic to the recording
3. hyper translation on the 3D sound image
4. perfect stereo sound stage
5. sweet and hearty timbre, fast response
6. Considering all the above performances and its price range, this combination really sets up a higher standard

Open days at Emplis (Belgium) on June 17, 18, 19 and 20. |

Er is erg veel nieuws te zien en te horen bij Durob Audio, waaronder een heel nieuw merk. Het is echter een oude bekende voor Durob Audio namelijk Micromega. Durob is (voor de tweede keer) distributeur van dit Franse merk geworden. Micromega maakt tegenwoordig zeer fraaie produkten voor een klein prijsje (versterker €895, cd-speler €795).
Kijk ook eens op de site: www.micromega-hifi.com