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And the Editors’ Choice Award goes to…. |
Category Disc Players
Playback Designs

Playback Designs MPS-5
Digital playback reaches stellar heights with the Playback Designs unit. It possesses a liveliness and analog quality that qualify it for reference-class. SACD playback is also stellar. While it does not have the sonic heft of the higher-priced dCS gear, the Playback enjoys a nimbleness and smoothness that are second to none. Build-quality is also exceptional. It would be difficult to think of a CD/SACD player that offers more value than the Playback. Reviewed by JHb, issue 204
Welcome to the 2011 edition of The Absolute Sound’s Editors’ Choice Awards, our annual Recommended Products list. On the following pages we present the gear that our editors and writers have selected as most worthy of your consideration. These are the components we ourselves would buy—or recommend to friends and family. Each product category is divided into price ranges, with components listed in order of ascending cost (though a few items, like cables and accessories, are listed alphabetically for clarity’s sake). Each recommendation is also accompanied by a capsule review, the original reviewer’s name or initials, and the issue the review appeared in. Note that in a few cases a product may have been reviewed in one of our sister publications, Playback or AVguide.com, or the review may be pending publication, or the product may not have been formally reviewed but earns a recommendation based on one or more writer’s extensive experience with it.
Given that this is the high end, where components generally have long lifespans, some of our recommendations look back several years. At the same time, in an effort to be as selective and up-to-date as possible, we have dropped some components that appeared on last year’s list, usually because they have been discontinued but sometimes because fresh competition has caused us to reconsider the choice.
TAS founder Harry Pearson’s selections can be found in this issue’s HP’s Workshop.

Durob Audio is pleased
to introduce to the BeNeLux market Playback Designs.
We believe that Playback
Designs' systems represent the finest audio playback in the world for the
finest listening system in the world... your ears!
In addition, we are
not the only ones to believe it, see a few press comments from the last CES in
Las Vegas. They LOVED it….click here
Quite impressive. Besides,
do not forget that we also distribute darTZeel products … so go to listen to this fantastic
combination if you have the opportunity.
Not only the press is
impressed, but also sound engineers:
Peter McGrath - Recording Engineer and Wilson Audio “face to
the world”
"The Playback
Designs, in my opinion, is the ultimate all in one digital device. The fact
that it allows me to enjoy SACD both in stereo and surround (utilizing the
MPD-5 for rear channels) at the highest possible level is staggering.
Also, the redbook
playback of the Playback Designs MPS-5 or MPD-5 is unrivaled. As a recording
engineer, I trust implicitly what the sound quality of the Playback Designs
does when I connect it directly to the output of my recording system. It brings
my recordings to musical life.
Overall the Playback
Designs is without peer!"
Bruce Brown - Puget Sound
"Being a
Mastering Engineer, I have to depend on my equipment to reproduce the music
exactly the way it was recorded. Since I got my Playback Designs MPS-5, I am
always amazed by the sound. We have listened to many DAC's in our studio and we
have chosen the MPS-5 as our new Reference! This is the best sounding SACD/CD
player period.
We expect the highest
quality from our equipment and our clients trust we have made the proper
adjustments to their projects. Any player/DAC can deliver bits. We count on the
MPS-5 every day to deliver emotion; the emotion that went into the music when it
was recorded. We want to bring out that emotion and the Playback Designs MPS-5
is the only player/DAC that can."
Durob Audio will
introduce the MPS-5 - Playback Designs Music Playback System 5
in DÉ HifiWinkel in Beek-Ubbergen.
The Playback Designs
Music Playback System 5, also known as MPS-5, is a product that can compete
with some of the finest analog setups and comes closer to the original recording
session and master tapes than anything we have heard. The MPS-5 is really two
products in one single box: a world class CD/SACD transport combined with a DAC
that can also receive a variety of external digital sources, including PC based
music servers – not only a unique and powerful combination, but also
versatile in applications
The Playback Designs
MPS-5 starts with a modified Esoteric transport mechanism. Although there are
quite a few very good mechanisms to use for a lot less money, the chosen
transport delivers excellent stabilility and reliability. The build quality is
excellent and being the work horse of the player, we decided that the substantial
increase in our cost to use these devices was well worth it, especially for the
long term.
While the MPS-5 is a
world class CD/SACD player, its internal DAC can also be used with external
digital sources through a multitude of digital inputs. In particular it can be
connected directly to a PC via the USB interface, whereby the MPS-5 becomes the
soundcard of the PC and converts all the digital audio from the PC to analog
via the same processes used for the transport. Finally you can expect the same level
of sonic performance from your PC as you can from the transport. The MPS-5
automatically recognizes any source (such as a PC, IPod, Discman, etc.) and
uses new technology we have developed called PDFAS (Playback Designs Frequency
Arrival System) to completely eliminate all jitter.
The Playback Designs
MPS-5 will challenge what you have come to expect as the limitations of digital
Analog outputs:
balanced, 4Vrms @ 1kHz full level, pin 2 Hot
unbalanced, 2Vrms @ 1kHz full level
unbalanced, 50O, 2Vrms @ 1kHz full level
AES/EBU formatted for stereo linear PCM data.
playing from disc the data on this output will be 16bits / 44.1kHz.
playing from a digital input the data on this output will be up to 24bits and
up to 192kHz.
Data /
future expansion.
XLR connector for AES/EBU formatted stereo linear PCM data, up to 24bits and up
to 192kHz.
same as AES, but S/PDIF formatted on RCA connector.
same as S/PDIF, but on optical connector.
Proprietary links to future Playback Designs equipment.
Direct USB connection to computers for sample rates up to 48kHz.
RS-232 wired remote control