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Er zijn luidsprekers die echt uitzonderlijk zijn, “The Music” luidsprekers van Vienna Acoustics hoort tot deze groep. Luisteren naar de “The Music” is een aparte ervaring.
“Elegant, dynamic and incredibly natural sounding, Vienna Acoustics’ The Music sets the standard for musical communication, in my experience…” reviewed by Richard Stevenson – hi-fi News (UK) – januari 2011

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And the Editors’ Choice Award goes to…. |
Category Loudspeakers
Vienna Acoustics

The Music
Here’s a full-range, multi-driver unit with ’stat-like coherence due to its remarkable flat midrange driver with coincident tweeter. Equally at home with power music and smallscale works, it has a referencequality ability to reproduce the complete soundstage. A thrilling, accurate, yet musical speaker. Reviewed by JH, Issue 195 |
Welcome to the 2011 edition of The Absolute Sound’s Editors’ Choice Awards, our annual Recommended Products list. On the following pages we present the gear that our editors and writers have selected as most worthy of your consideration. These are the components we ourselves would buy—or recommend to friends and family. Each product category is divided into price ranges, with components listed in order of ascending cost (though a few items, like cables and accessories, are listed alphabetically for clarity’s sake). Each recommendation is also accompanied by a capsule review, the original reviewer’s name or initials, and the issue the review appeared in. Note that in a few cases a product may have been reviewed in one of our sister publications, Playback or AVguide.com, or the review may be pending publication, or the product may not have been formally reviewed but earns a recommendation based on one or more writer’s extensive experience with it.
Given that this is the high end, where components generally have long lifespans, some of our recommendations look back several years. At the same time, in an effort to be as selective and up-to-date as possible, we have dropped some components that appeared on last year’s list, usually because they have been discontinued but sometimes because fresh competition has caused us to reconsider the choice.
TAS founder Harry Pearson’s selections can be found in this issue’s HP’s Workshop.

« I'd put Vienna Acoustics' Klimt The Kiss up against some of my favorite speakers in the world. »
Wes Phillips - Stereophile - Februari 2010
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Een fantastische test over de Kiss bij Music Emotion

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The Hottest New Gear from CES |
Vienna Acoustics was demo’ing its $27k “The Music” mulitway floorstander with articulating head unit. Though its balance was quite dark, “The Music” was still a very impressive performer— fast, rich, and exceptionally high in resolution, with very good dynamics and simply extraordinary recovery of ambience (best I heard at the show). The bass might have been a little thick on a Koto drum track (oh, those hotel rooms), but it was certainly extended. It is no wonder our publisher, Jim Hannon, thinks so highly of these speakers. They are remarkable. |

Een paar foto’s uit Vienna showroom in Las Vegas

Category Loudspeakers
Vienna Acoustics

Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand
Sheer transparency and musicality make this Viennese mini as sweet as a Sacher torte. Factor in the exquisite construction and finish, the richly detailed midbass, and stunning soundstaging, and the result is no less than one of the high-end’s great little values. Only a bit of spotlighting in the treble suggests a less than neutral tonal balance, but it’s a minor glitch in an overall glowing effort. NG, 176
Vienna Acoustics The Music
Here’s a full-range, multi-driver unit with ’stat-like coherence due to its remarkable flat midrange driver with coincident tweeter. Equally at home with power music and small-scale works, it has a referencequality ability to reproduce the complete soundstage. A thrilling, accurate, yet musical speaker with fast transients, precise layered imaging, natural timbre, and articulate, extended bass. JH, 195 |

Introducing Principal Grand |

All at once the possibilities of music, space and naturalness find its way into our newest product – Principal Grand.
Why Principal? Strength, power and beauty: principal refers technically to the most pure of sounds from an organ; that which is not an imitation of other instruments. Following with this traditional definition, the Principal Grand subwoofer should never be confused with a woofer but rather is built as an example of the truest form of Sub-Woofer. Properly designed loudspeakers already have woofers. The Principal Grand subwoofer is designed to add the last octave of bass reinforcement below traditional woofers allowing for a greater sense of space and focus. Of course in home theater applications this also means the visceral experience the sound editors originally created and which are only
now being realized with the latest high resolution multi-channel audio and video formats.
The creation of this newest product rests on tried and true philosophies. The driver is first. Working very closely with the Danish manufacturer ScanSpeak, we have created an all new proprietary 12” driver. This new hand crafted and made in Denmark driver delivers tremendous power while still having the finesse and speed necessary to properly
integrate with our loudspeakers.
To control this driver we have sourced a beautifully constructed, two piece electronics package. The amplifier is of course extremely powerful offering a conservative 300watts. To maintain absolute control, all controls and the filter network is mounted in a completely separate enclosure beautifully hidden from view below the subwoofer itself. Lastly, and most obviously, the cabinet. As with all of our fine cabinets, only the finest in hand crafting from Northern Italy is accepted. Whether piano black or white, or either of our specially sourced wood veneers: cherry, maple or rosewood, we only select the finest. Strength, power and beauty.
Vienna Acoustics – The Art of Natural Sound™
Bass System
Frequency Response
Driver Design
Dimensions (w x h x d) |
Bass-Reflex Design – Bottom vented
(requires 25mm/1” to 50mm/2” from vent
to floor)
20Hz – 100 Hz
Proprietary Pulp-Paper Carbon filled cone
manufactured by ScanSpeak, designed by
Vienna Acoustics
300 Watts
SMD Technology
(2) High-Level (~1,000O)
(2) Line-Level via Phono (RCA) – Plugs
Power on/Standby (standby <1watt)
0° - 180° Phase switch
Variable crossover control
Variable gain control
26kg / 58lbs
385mm/15.25” x 495mm/19.5” x
385mm/15.25” (including spikes)

Haydn Grand Special Edition |
Audiohuis delft is trots om als eerste Nederlandse audio-specialist de Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand Special Edition luidspreker in huis te hebben. De eerste speeluren zitten erop: precisie, mooi podium, present zonder opdringerigheid, krachtig maar ook verfijnd zijn zo maar een paar trefwoorden om de kenmerken van dit prachtige product te schetsen.
prijs per paar € 1.450,00
stand per paar € 525,00

De "Music" luidspreker getest door Jim Hannon |
"Just like in a live performance… And that's just it"
Meer woorden zijn overbodig…

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Category Loudspeakers
Vienna Acoustics

Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand
Sheer transparency and musicality make this Viennese mini as sweet as a Sacher torte. Factor in the exquisite construction and finish, the richly detailed midbass, and stunning soundstaging, and the result is nothing less than one of the high end’s great little values. Only a bit of spotlighting in the treble suggests a less than neutral tonal balance but it’s a minor glitch in an overall glowing effort. Reviewed by NG, Issue 176
Vienna Acoustics Mahler 1.5
When partnered with the right electronics and with careful room placement, the Mahler 1.5 is cable of tuneful authority, finely textured and filigreed harmonic resolution, and a wonderfully solid soundstage. Needs extensive break-in and an amplifier with a high damping factor. Reviewed by Guido Corona, Issue 188
Vienna Acoustics “The Music”
Here’s a full-range, multi-driver unit with ’stat-like coherence due to its remarkable flat midrange driver with coincident tweeter. Equally at home with power music and small-scale works, it has a referencequality ability to reproduce the complete soundstage. A thrilling, accurate, yet musical speaker with fast transients, precise layered imaging, natural timbre, and articulate, extended bass. JH, reviewed in this issue |

Haydn Grand Special Edition |
In 2009, het internationale Haydn jaar, eert Vienna Acoustics deze componist met de uitgave van een gelimiteerde serie van 500 paar Haydn Grand Special Edition luidsprekers.
De Haydn Grand SE zal uitgevoerd worden in een klassiek walnoot fineer en voorzien worden van een nieuw ontworpen 6 inch Spider Cone woofer.
De prijs van deze luidspreker zal Euro 1450,- per paar bedragen. Haydn Grand stands zijn leverbaar voor Euro 525,- per paar.